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Call for papers – Conference : Images of the city

Images of the city (XIXth-XXIth centuries)  


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Abstract :

In a comparative and interdisciplinary perspective, the conference “Images of the city (XIXth – XXIth centuries)” aims to reflect on the various meanings of the images of the city.

Keywords : city, image, picture, representation, heritage, tourism

Presentation :

Organized in Lyons on 2 and 3 February 2017, the conference “Images of the city (XIXth – XXIth centuries)” is an initiative of the junior project IMAGO – Image(s) de la ville, supported by the University Jean Moulin Lyon 3.

The conference deals with the diversity of the images of the city: the physical and visual images (photographs, drawings, paintings, prints, films…), but also branding and promotional image (territorial marketing, tourism) and mental images of inhabitants, foreigners, artists…

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